“Housing continues to be an issue in the area, and affordable housing is a bigger issue. In this week’s Vermontitude video webcast, host Peter “Fish” Case chats with Elizabeth Bridgewater, executive director of Windham Windsor Housing Trust, and Ed Bordas, director of asset and property management, about how the trust solves those issues while dealing with a landscape that has handcuffed anyone in the rental housing community.”

Elizabeth and Ed dive in with Peter Case to discuss leasing requirements, our supportive services program, housing retention, and also the challenges the community as a whole is grappling with and what our response procedures are as property managers. We’re leaning into these hard conversations and the challenges knowing this is bigger than any one individual or organization to fix and knowing that we’re working hard every day to create solutions and respond in real time. These are difficult subjects and often more complicated than is assumed. We’re proud to provide homes that meet the a range of needs that the market does not provide which includes housing people who are vulnerable.

Watch full podcast here

“Providing a home- not to use a cliché- but that is the foundation for stability. And folks that are vulnerable need that stability to get a chance.” Elizabeth Bridgewater, Executive Director

“I want to highlight, the vast majority of our residents are hardworking, responsible tenants. However, we do have some challenges, and these challenges are facing Brattleboro but they’re not unique to Brattleboro. Other communities in Vermont are facing similar problems related to criminal activity related to the opioid trade. What we’re seeing now are out of town groups… coming to town and preying on vulnerable people.” Ed Bordas, Director of Property and Asset Management

Some very important notes when talking about this challenging subject:

– substance use disorder is a health concern and should be addressed with health support and connection.

– Harmful language, name calling, or judgmental comments are not helpful or constructive. Please be aware on your language when engaging in these conversations.

-trafficking, home takeovers, and predatory actions are a safety concern and are addressed as such.

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Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
NeighborWorks Chartered Member
Equal Housing Lender
Equal Housing Opportunity
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