Notification for VHIP 2.0: We will be uploading the applications for VHIP 2.0 on April 15th. There are 4 different applications based on project type:

  • Accessory Dwelling Units
  • New Unit Creation
  • Occupied Unit Rehab (loans only)
  • Rehab of unoccupied units

There are two funding options: grants with 5 year affordability terms and working with Continuum of Care Lead organizations on leasing, or 10-year forgivable loans with rents set at fair market rates. For the Occupied Unit Rehab projects, only the loan option is available.  

Please visit our page to find more information on the program requirements. To find FAQs visit the State’s VHIP Documents page.

Applications will be linked at the bottom of our page. Please note, only completed applications will be accepted. We appreciate your patience as we evaluate the project applications.

Thank you to all who have expressed interest in this program. Our inquiry list has 171 names of property owners ready to dig into a project. This is a tremendous signal of how motivated our community members are to provide much needed housing in our communities!

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Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
VHIP 2.0 to Open Applications April 15
Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
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Equal Housing Lender
Equal Housing Opportunity
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