Vermont Business Magazine– At a meeting on January 26, the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board Awarded $4.6 million in state funds and $5.82 million in federal funds to purchase, construct, and rehabilitate housing in Putney, Monkton, St Albans, Essex, Williston, St Johnsbury, and Bennington and to plan for housing development in West Brattleboro.

“These awards will advance the development of new rental housing for our workforce as well as for low-income and homeless households, seniors and citizens with disabilities, while also maintaining long-term affordability with necessary repairs and maintenance to properties,” said Gus Seelig, VHCB Executive Director. “In Essex and Bennington, two developments will provide much needed housing with support services for individuals and parents in recovery to help those transitioning from treatment programs to stable housing.”

>>read Windham & Windsor Housing Trust’s award here

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