The elevator has been inoperable at the Snow Block for a prolonged period of time.  Initially we reached out to each resident to let them know what to expect based on what we heard from the elevator company.  We offered to relocate those residents with mobility challenges.  We also began picking up trash at people’s doors so that folks didn’t have to go downstairs for this purpose.  Finally, we’ve hired a person to provide support including food shopping and laundry service.  We continue to reach out, both through our property management team and our SASH For All team to determine needs and offer support. 

When the elevator broke down, we knew that it would take some time to get it up and going again because the belts that need to be replaced had to be custom made. However, the belts are ready to go, but the company has been slow to meet their stated timeframes to install them.  An added wrinkle is that unlike the older elevator models that worked with a hydraulic system, this elevator is operated with a proprietary computer system.  While this comes with some benefits, it’s not so easy to simply switch companies because it means removing their proprietary system and replacing it with another.  However, this is the scenario we are now working on. We’ve engaged two other elevator companies to provide pricing so we can assess the feasibility of this path and get this work done.

We are aware of how frustrating this has been for the residents and their visitors and we are working toward a resolution as soon as possible.

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