Board Member Spotlight:
Assadullah Akhlaqi
Assadullah Akhlaqi is one of our Resident Board Members and has been on the board for two years. When asked what motivated him to join the board he shares, “Providing homes to every community no matter race, religion, making affordable homes that’s brilliant to me.” He’s excited about the homeownership support of the organization and the development work. “We don’t have a lot of houses to rent here, we need to more. I’ve lived at Putney Landing and moved to Birge Street because my family grew and at the time, my work was in Brattleboro.” Assad participated in the committee focusing on internal capacity during our Strategic Planning process and offers important perspective as we work towards our mission.
Assad is an IT specialist at Landmark College and has a young family at home. He and his wife both love to cook.
Assad is deeply engaged in the Afghan Refugee Resettlement work by doing volunteer coordination, offering transportation,
translating services, and a friendly face with lived experience as an Afghan refugee in childhood. He’s looking forward to a big,
outdoor welcome event in April but shares that there are still families living at SIT waiting for housing including a childhood
friend. He loves to see the growing diversity in our corner of Vermont and community the events. The Nowruz celebration
of New Year and Spring was a wonderful gathering of the community with food, music, and connection that Assad shared
as truly meaningful.
Staff Spotlight: Morey Page, Katrina Willette, Phil Jones
Three staff members have hit the remarkable 25-year mark with WWHT! They came onboard when we were the Brattleboro Area Community Land Trust and have seen and played critical roles in the growth and success of the organization. Morey Page, Maintenance Supervisor, Katrina Willette, Accounting and Technology Specialist, and Phil Jones, Maintenance
Technician, are essential in the on the ground and behind-the-scenes work that keeps us moving and serving our residents
and clients. Morey and Phil are familiar and valued faces for our residents–especially during an emergency call! And Katrina
keeps us all working smoothly and as efficient and effective as possible. Their impact cannot be measured and we’re grateful to celebrate and have them as core members of our team!