We are so relieved to share that the Snow Block building’s elevator has finally been repaired.  As many folks know, this elevator has been down for months and the significant delay of the repair has been frustrating for the residents who live in the building as well as their family members and guests who were also impacted by the situation.  Although we provided tangible support like shopping and laundry service and door-side trash pickup for those who wanted it, the prolonged period of inoperability simply became unbearable.  We understand this and apologize to everyone who has been impacted.

The delay was also deeply frustrating for the Housing Trust staff.  After months of missed deadlines and spotty communication from the elevator company, we had to resort to pressure from an outside, third party contractor who had connections through the sales department.  It was only when future business was in jeopardy that we saw some forward momentum.  Much to our dismay, they were not able to deliver the repair in their stated timeframe and they were again unresponsive to our emails and calls.  We finally got the back on track with the help of community member Peter Case who has ties to the media who joined the effort to pressure the company to get the job done. 

Who knew it would take a village to get a global corporation to care about residents who live at the Snow Block, but it did.  This little village is pretty scrappy and for that I am grateful because it made a big difference.  Thank you to everyone who stepped up to help us get their attention and thank you to the Fire Department staff who helped residents with mobility challenges navigate the stairs during these long months.  We appreciate all of the support that was provided. Thank you!  Thank you!

Elizabeth Bridgewater

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Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
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