The Support and Services at Home (SASH) program celebrates 10 years in Vermont! SASH coordinates the resources of social-service agencies, community health providers and nonprofit housing organizations to support older adults and Vermonters with special needs who choose to live independently at home. Individualized, on-site support is provided by a Wellness Nurse and a SASH Care Coordinator. Our SASH Coordinator, Molly Bennett is based in Windsor with a panel of 100 residents including folks both living in our homes and in the greater Windsor community.

If you ask SASH Coordinator, Molly Bennett to describe a day in the life of a SASH Coordinator, you’ll get good look into how the SASH program is so much more than health care. A “typical” day can start with entering data into client files, logging on to a blueprint meeting where she and area service providers coordinate on client needs. Next, a new resident is moving into their home with no furnishings. She’ll be wrestling an armchair up from a storage unit and collecting more locally donated items. Now, she has a special appointment. One of her clients has struggled with the severe isolation of Covid. She’s planned to bring that client out on a drive to enjoy some company. At the end of the day, there’s the regularly scheduled blood pressure clinic happening, Molly greats everyone with personal connections. She has established herself seamlessly as a community asset with her approachable and straightforward nature.

She enjoys interacting with community and with individuals; she’s heard everyone’s stories and looks forward to hearing more. Her care and dedication is apparent through the relationships she’s built. SASH makes a tremendous difference in peoples’ lives as they age in place, and Molly’s coordination makes it possible. Happy anniversary SASH!

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Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
Molly Bennett
Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
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