VHIP (Rental Rehab)

 Vermont Housing Improvement Program 2.0 (VHIP2.0)

VHIP 2 is primarily a reimbursement program that works with private property owners to create or rehab rental housing stock across Vermont through a five-year grant or a 10-year forgivable loan option. These homes, including accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and multifamily rentals will be leased at an affordable rate for at least 5-10 years depending on the funding structure. Windham & Windsor housing Trust administers this program in Windham and Windsor Counties. For more information about the statewide program visit the VHIP 2.0 page. To learn about how to apply in Windham & Windsor counties, program compliance, and more information, please review the information provided below.

Questions? Give us a call on that VHIP Inquiry Line: (802)246-2126

Applications are open! Please review the following information and find the applications at the bottom of this page

Windham & Windsor Housing Trust’s Role
  • Review and equitably evaluate all applications received from property owners and award grants that maximize State of Vermont goals for VHIP 2.0
  • Ensure accountability for property owners receiving funds
  • Attend an initial site visit of the property/units with Property Owner and/or Contractor(s) to review proposed scope of work and budget,
  • Verify that all permitting and compliance with local, state, and federal regulations are satisfied
  • Verify that signed contracts are in place that allow work to be complete and apartments leased by the deadline
  • Conduct ongoing site visits (3 minimal) to inspect repair work during the project and provide grant payments upon milestone completion
  • Guide applicants through the permitting and construction phases as needed and as possible
  • Oversee and collect receipts or paid invoices for the 20% match requirements, and other contracted work necessary to obtain a state occupancy permit
  • Conduct final inspection to ensure all required contracted work has been completed and is ready for final DFS building inspections
  • Prepare, collect, and record signed, notarized Covenants, Grant Agreements, and required legal loan documentation
  • Oversee and verify compliance with all program requirements

Keep in mind that VHIP 2.0 is a competitive program, and Windham and Windsor Housing Trust will be evaluating each project based on the following criteria:

    VHIP 2.0 is a competitive program: Applications are open and will remain open on a rolling basis while funding is available. Applications will be reviewed for completeness within 30 days of being submitted and returned if incomplete. All applications will be scored using scoring criteria as detailed below.

    Scoring Criteria includes: Shovel ready status, Geographic location, Applicant past performance, number of units/bedrooms, unit type, length of vacancy, community need, critical or urgent life or safety situations.

    Applications with a high enough score will be moved forward, and a site visit will be scheduled and conducted. Those applications which do not meet the basic criteria will be declined, and the applicant will be notified.

    Grant Award Timeline

    WWHT will issue grant awards on a rolling basis based on date of complete application.

    To be eligible, a property owner must:

      • Submit a complete Application;  a complete application includes the following:
          1. All pages of the eligibility form (see below for specific form),
          2. A scanned non-photo copy of the “Recorded Warranty Deed with Schedule A”
          3. an up-to-date tax bill,
          4. proof of insurance,
          5. W9 of the owner on the deed (person or entity) with mailing address,
          6. a scope of work.
      • Meet with WWHT Representative to review project scope
      • Provide a 20% match per grant in cash, or provide a signed contract with WWHT of specified labor, materials, or tasks as an in-kind match of up to or above the 20%. WWHT may require financial documentation as evidence that any outstanding balance can be covered
      • Sign a Housing Affordability Covenant outlining a commitment that all affected units must be rented at or below HUD “gross” Fair Market Rents for the appropriate County – which include utilities or rent reduction based on HUD’s “utility allowance” guidelines – for a period of five years for grants and ten years for forgivable loans.
      • Have no Vermont or Federal tax liens or be delinquent on property taxes, sewer/water, or building be in foreclosure.
      • Property owners are responsible for obtaining all permits and submit copies to WWHT
      • Property owners must be willing to submit all necessary receipts throughout the project
      • To be eligible for a VHIP 2.0 Grant you must watch this video Fair Housing Video and take a short quiz: 


      Current HUD FMR figures for 2025 Windham and Windsor Counties are calculated annually. This chart lists the maximum rents considered affordable by apartment type. Find the Fair Market Rent calculator worksheet here (select the fair market option)


      Program Compliance

      • Property owners need to submit an annual Form to Department of Housing and Community Development annually to show rental rate verification, and are responsible to notify DHCD of any changes to property status
      • If property is sold or transferred the rent stabilization agreement stays with the property

        For five-year grants only:

        • For more detailed information visit the ACCD VHIP Webpage. Agree to work with the regional and appointed Continuum of Care (CoC), or work with a Refugee Resettlement Program to find suitable renters, for a period of five years after the original Occupancy is granted
        • Property owners are asked to use the Common Rental Application for expedience. If a tenant is not available through the CoC, after recorded due diligence has been attempted, beginning prior to the completion of the project, and for a period of 30 days after all required state inspections have been passed and a DFS Certificate of Occupancy has been granted, a property owner may petition  WWHT for other possible rental options;  A waiver for the first round of leasing may be granted at the discretion of the DHCD to determine appropriate tenancy options.

        For more detailed information visit the ACCD VHIP Webpage

        VHIP 2.0 Resource Guide for Property Owners

        How to Get Started-

        • Reach out to a contractor to get an estimate of the feasibility and cost of your project
        • Once you have determined your project is feasible and affordable, you should reach out to your town Zoning/Planning board to learn about any town requirements regarding set-backs, water/sewer, change of use restrictions, and any other zoning and/or planning limits that might be in the by-laws of the town. (if you don’t have a contractor see link below)
        • If, after a conversation with the town, you are ready to move ahead with your project, and would like to be approved for a VHIP grant you should complete a WWHT application (if you are located in Windham or Windsor Counties)
        • Applications are have re-opened and will remain open on a rolling basis while funds are available. 

        Helpful Resource Links!

        How To Write Scope and Sequence


        Applications are fillable PDFs specific to project type. Once completed, please upload to the Sharefile Link (Green button below). Once your files are uploaded they are automatically sent directly to our VHIP files for review. We will confirm that we received your documents via email within the work-week. NOTE: The upload site does not have a “done” or “confirm” button – you can safely exit the page once you’ve uploaded all the documents

        FAQ documents

        Questions? Please contact us at (802)246-2126

        “Two of the biggest components to getting the aparements online were plumbing and electric. I could have never done that without this grant. Now the local people that needed housing have a house.”

        Rebecca Gagnon, Bellows Falls

        Other information and resources:


        Customer Journey

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