The first full week in June is celebrated annually as NeighborWorks Week, a chance to elevate and celebrate community with the support of NeighborWorks America. This year’s theme of Empowering Communities for Success was met by two resident focused events, one at the Chalet creating portrait photography with residents, the other our second annual Windsor Village Picnic.
Chalet Photo Booth, June 8th
To be the subject of art as a portrait is a meaningful feeling. A portrait can share a whole story, can share an aspect of humanity, connection, a sense of dignity. On Wednesday of NeighborWorks Week, we set up Ezra Distler’s locally iconic photo booth on the balcony at the Chalet and waited. It takes a little bit of courage to step up to the camera. Folks joked about not feeling excited about pictures but, they took that step. The black and white portraits would print in about 3 minutes, were framed, and handed back to the residents to keep.
There was a visible shift when the residents saw the product- it was art. One resident was just about to take the train to visit his mother, he took a copy for her to have. Not everyone wanted to have their images shared publicly, and that is ok. This was an event for this community, it was all about feeling that personal sense of dignity. Empowerment starts from within.

Windsor Village Picnic, June 9th
The Second Annual Windsor Village Picnic brought together every age and ability to enjoy each other’s company, create miniature public art, share resources, and… sing!
Windsor Village property is located right in the village of Windsor, the building has most units dedicated to elderly and disabled residents supported by our on site SASH Coordinator, Molly Bennett, and includes a block of family housing. This property is a particularly wonderful mix of intergenerational connections. Despite drizzly conditions, residents shared a meal, swapped stories, painted rocks to place around their community, and had an impromptu performance from a resident who had been a professional musician- among many other professions.
The community was excited for a second year of this light-hearted event and we’re very much looking forward to our 3rd year in 2023!