Each year on the first full week in June, NeighborWorks organizations across the country celebrate NeighborWorks Week, a week of volunteerism and outreach. This year, we had three distinct and engaging outreach events during the week centered on “Empowering Communities for Success”. Below find a collection of photographs taken during the week. As always, we have a tremendous amount of gratitude to the community for participating and supporting these efforts!
Thank you Parks Place Resource Center in Bellows Falls for hosting our Discover Homeownership Day on June 6th and to Mascoma Bank for sponsoring the free credit pulls! Thank you to our SASH Program in Windsor and service agencies in Windsor for attending our 3rd Annual Windsor Village Picnic and Resource Fair. Not only did residents gather, share a meal, create art together, they connected directly with resources and including one family who’s interested in moving into homeownership. We’re glad to make these direct connections! Thank you to Allen Brothers Farm for donated veggies and to BELLCO Excavation for donating soil for the gardens we created at the Chalet! Thank you to Pieter van Loon and Andrew Morrison for leading our invasive species identification and management education. Thank you to Jane Diefenbach for bringing her trailer to haul the brush. Thank you to TD Bank for bringing a team to help! Thank you Groundworks for all the staff participation! Thank you to the neighbors and friends who lent a hand. Finally, thank you NeighborWorks America for supporting this week and our organization’s work throughout the years!

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Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
NeighborWorks Week ’23: Homeownership, Resource Fair, and Invasive Species
Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
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