Press Release by BDCC: The Southern Vermont Economy Project is once again partnering with Windham & Windsor Housing Trust to offer an online course that will help demystify the process of purchasing and owning a rental property for first time investors or home buyers. Owning a Multi-family home is an option for people who are ready to buy a home but are not sure how to afford it, and/or are interested in helping provide more quality housing options for people in Southern Vermont. Join local experts for a four part series to learn more about resources for purchasing and owning a multi-family home. All classes take place over Zoom from 5:30-7 pm on Tuesday and Thursday over two weeks, with an option to attend an ongoing in-person Housing Investment meetup, taking place at the Collective Bar and Lounge at 55 Elliot Street in Brattleboro from 4-6 on Friday August 11. It is recommended to attend all four sessions, but all will also be recorded for later viewing, with recording shared to all who register.

○ August 8: Real Estate and Purchasing (Led by Kayla Bernier-Wright, WWHT Homeownership Specialist)
○ August 10: Bankers and Lawyers, oh my! (Financing, and Leasing)
○ August 15: Renovation and Rehab (Led by Paul Martorano, WWHT Multi-Family Rental Improvement Coordinator)
○ August 17: Becoming a Landlord Safely

Register to receive the webinar link for each session at:

The Multifamily Homebuyer Webinar is part of the Southern Vermont Economy Project (a program of Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation) and is funded in part by theUSDA Rural Community Development Initiative. For more information, please contact Meg Staloff at BDCC at
or (802) 257-7731 x 222.

About the Southern Vermont Economy Project (SVEP)
The Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation’s Southern Vermont Economy Project provides
training and technical assistance to increase local capacity, skills, and resources in order to
advance local projects critical to Southern Vermont achieving community, economic, and
workforce development goals. SVEP is funded through the USDA Rural Community Development
Initiative. For more information please visit

About BDCC
The Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) is a private, nonprofit economic
development organization that serves as a catalyst for industrial and commercial growth
throughout Southeastern Vermont, including Windham County and the towns of Readsboro,
Searsburg, Winhall and Weston. BDCC serves as the State of Vermont’s certified Regional
Development Corporation (RDC) for the greater Windham County area. BDCC is one of 12 RDCs
throughout Vermont. This BDCC activity was made possible in part by a grant from the State of
Vermont through the Agency of Commerce and Community Development. For more information

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Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
Multi-Family Homebuyer Webinar Series Helps Build Local Ownership of Rental Properties
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