Windsor- The Windsor Village Historical Society is hosting the development team of Central & Main Housing, currently under construction at 133 Main Street in downtown Windsor, for a special meeting on January 27th at 6pm. The team is looking for history and memory of Windsor to incorporate into publicly-facing art to be installed on the finished building. Community members are invited to contribute local lore to inform the design of an art installation at Central and Main Housing.

A special meeting of the WVHA has been scheduled with Windham and Windsor Housing Trust, Evernorth, and project architect Michael Wisniewski for community members to hear about and contribute to placemaking efforts that will enhance downtown Windsor’s built environment.  After a short presentation of the building and project plans, presenters will facilitate a community discussion to gather themes that will inform development of an image for installation.

All are welcome to come and contribute, or just to hear others’ stories. For those unable to participate in the hybrid meeting, a google form (also linked on the project page) is available to gather write-in stories:

If you are interested in supporting this placemaking work through a financial contribution, please contact Marion Major with Windham & Windsor Housing Trust

Central & Main is a 25-unit apartment building being developed by Windham & Windsor Housing Trust and Evernorth. The construction was made possible by the Windsor Improvement Corporation’s vision and support. The homes will be rented at rates that are affordable to families and individuals that make Windsor’s average, lower, and fixed incomes. No leasing waitlists yet exist, however, to learn more of leasing information please visit the project information page: . Anyone who is interested in receiving leasing news updates directly can reach out to Stewart Property Management to be added to a contact list.

About WWHT

WWHT’s mission is to strengthen the communities of southeast Vermont through the development and stewardship of permanently affordable housing and through ongoing support and advocacy for its residents. WWHT builds concrete solutions to the region’s housing challenges, and provides better housing opportunities to more than 1,500 Southeastern Vermonters each year.

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