Staff has been taking advantage of the summer to host and participate in community events- fostering community connections, gathering feedback, connecting people with resources. Here’s a glimpse into what that looks like across the organization’s footprint.

The Resident Services team are familiar faces on our properties and have been working with residents to identify community building resources. In July, 68 Birge Street hosted UVM Extension’s Food and Nutrition Course. Participants received certificates when they finished the course! We brought an ice cream social to Valgar Street, and at Upper Story, we combined efforts with a resident living in the Wilder Building on creating container gardens. The flourishing gardens included pollinators and veggies.

Our SASH Coordinator participated in the Windsor Resource Fair hosted by Mount Ascuteny Hospital. The event brought together resource providers in the greater Windsor area. Housing is healthcare, and Molly’s booth was a non-stop line of folks looking for resources from securing apartments in Windsor Village to the Green Mountain Home Repair program. Learn more about SASH here.

The 2nd Annual Parks Place Back to School Block Party in Bellows Falls hosted families from the Windham Northeast Supervisory Union and brought in resource organizations to run the carnival games. We managed the potato sack race and connected folks with information on the Bellows Falls Garage, Homeownership Support, and Vermont Housing Improvement Program (or the Rental Rehab program).

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