We’re thrilled to share, after reaching out to residents at Putney Landing to gauge interest, that we’re moving forward with creating a community garden at the Putney Landing Property in partnership with Vermont Garden Network! VGN is looking for the right person to oversee and support the gardening with residents during the growing season. Find all the details below and please share with your green-thumbed people-person friends in the area!

Length of position: early April – early November

Hours: The total hours for this position is approximately 80 hours, with an average of 10 hours per month, with the most availability needed in the spring.  Availability during evening hours (5-7pm) at least 1 day a week is essential. Occasional weekend hours may also be required.

Compensation: $17/hour

Application deadline: March 18, 2022

Position Summary:

The Garden Coordinator reports to staff at the Vermont Garden Network (VGN) and works closely with affordable housing site property management through Windham & Windsor Housing Trust (WWHT) and residents to provide support at a housing site community garden in Putney.

 VGN will oversee an seven-month management and support system to deliver garden education programs at selected housing sites, working with residents and housing management to 1) plan, develop and enhance food gardens, 2) provide garden leadership and management support and 3) teach gardening and related skills tailored to meet the needs of each site.

Primary Duties:

  • Attend VGN orientation
  • Participate in spring garden site visits and season prep (i.e. garden maps, schedule events, etc.)
  • Host opening day and closing day at housing site community garden
  • General garden site coordination (i.e. coordinate donations, communicate needs and info)
  • Lead monthly garden support visits and special activities for new and experienced gardeners
  • Participate in regular garden check-ins with VGN staff
  • Complete end-of-season evaluation report
  • Participate in community outreach efforts and communication strategies to actively engage resident gardeners
  • Participate in garden maintenance activities as needed throughout the summer growing season, in all weather conditions

Skills & Qualifications:

  • Interest in gardening, food justice, garden education
  • Creative, fun-loving, and dynamic personality with a passion for community engagement
  • Personal transportation to get to garden site
  • Prior experience and confidence in organic vegetable gardening
  • Comfortable leading a group of all ages in hands-on garden activities
  • Quick learner, able and willing to work independently to deliver garden education programming
  • Willingness to work outside and do physical work in all weather conditions
  • Ability to clearly, effectively, and regularly communicate via email and phone with VGN staff, property managers and resident gardeners

Please apply by March 18, 2022.

Email a cover letter and resume to:

Libby Weiland, Statewide Network Coordinator



Contact Libby Weiland, Statewide Network Coordinator


(914) 414-1075

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