Thinking about homeownership but not sure where to start? Tuesday June 6th our Homeownership Team will be at Parks Place Community Resource Center ready to help you get started! Together with Mascoma Bank, we’ll be doing free credit pulls and offering some resources on how to build your credit further, we can sign you up for upcoming homebuyer education workshops, talk through different downpayment assistance programs and, for folks who already own a home, talk about the Green Mountain Home Repair program- helping you address the health and safety fixes on your home! We’ll be there June 6th from 11-1 and from 4-6pm- drop by any time during those hours, we look forward to connecting!

This event is part of the nationally celebrated NeighborWorks Week- a week to celebrate volunteerism and community action. It’s one of three events we have planned for the week. Other events include our 3rd Annual Chalet Invasive Species Clean Up Day and our 3rd Annual Windsor Picnic and Resource Fair!

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Discover Homeownership Resources June 6th!
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