We’re thrilled to be celebrating the opening of the Bellows Falls Garage with you on April 24th! 27 new, affordable, and beautiful homes will be opening up in downtown Bellows Falls with views of the historic downtown, the canal, the river, and Fall Mountain. This process has truly been a community-wide effort from hyper locally to the state-level and beyond! Join us! Please bring your neighbor and friends and join us in this momentous occasion of celebrating the next stage of the Bellows Falls Garage with ribbon cutting, remarks, building tours, storytelling, music from Rockingham’s own Milkhouse Heaters, and more! 

Share your story: History plays an important role is this building and land. We want to capture and preserve stories of the Garage in its previous lives: the car shop, the commune, the studio space… and more! Share how you knew the Garage with our story booth set up with FACTV.

A resounding thank you! Thank you to everyone who helped us get to this point, our neighbors for their support and grace, BF Downtown Development Aliance, The Town of Rockingham, everyone who attended our community meetings and offered advice. Thank you to our funders!

M&T Bank-Equity investors

Vermont Housing Finance Agency
Vermont Housing & Conservation Board
Vermont Community Development Program
Town of Rockingham
Vermont Department of Economic Development – Brownfield Revitalization Fund – State Program
Vermont Community Loan Fund
US Dept. of HUD – HOME Program National Housing Trust Fund NeighborWorks America
Efficiency Vermont
Windham Regional Commission

RSVPs encouraged but not required. Please reach out with questions to mmajor@homemattershere.org

Applications for the Bellows Falls Garage apartments open on Monday April 17th! Contact Kathy Relihan KRelihan@stewartproperty.net, Stewart Property Management for application and with questions.

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Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
Bellows Falls Garage Opening Celebration!
Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
NeighborWorks Chartered Member
Equal Housing Lender
Equal Housing Opportunity
WWHT pay rent online