We were pleased to have received word that the appeal of WWHT’s zoning permit for the creation of a new housing community on Alice Holway Drive in Putney was resolved.  The Environmental Court Division found that our application was consistent with the town’s zoning bylaws and that the other issues raised by the appellant were either not in the jurisdiction of the court or lacked enough merit to take the case to trial.  The appeal was resolved by a summary judgement on all concerns raised by the appellant.   While the impact of the effort to appeal our permit has not diminished our commitment to this project, the delay in the timing has had an impact in the cost of the project.  Overall, the total project cost is 14% higher than it was a year ago with significant increases in the cost of construction, interest rates and legal fees.  The unfortunate impact in the community is that these funds could have been redirected to create more housing throughout Vermont.

Putney has a tremendous need for additional rental housing that people can afford.  While the Windham & Windsor Housing Trust (WWHT) only owns 12% of the rental homes there, available data indicates that of the 303 rental units in Putney, 90 households (or 30% of renters) are paying more than 50% of their income in rent.  This is well beyond what is considered affordable and puts significant pressure on families who are experiencing escalating costs in food prices, fuel and other household expenses.   

The new community on Alice Holway Drive, co-developed by WWHT and Evernorth, will be home to 25 households and the rents will be set to meet needs of a variety of household incomes.  The buildings will operate at a high level of energy efficiency and the residents will have easy access to public transportation, green space, and the incredible amenities Putney has to offer, much within walking distance. This is the benefit of building within downtown areas and village setting in smart growth patterns.  The plans have not changed since they were submitted to the zoning review board in February of 2022.  We continue to maintain our commitment to preserving the Putney Community Gardens and Farmer’s Market and building a new community of well-designed affordable and energy efficient homes on the site.  With partial funding in place and the remaining funding applications completed, we are hopeful that we will be able to break ground early 2024 and welcome new residents in the winter of 2024/2025.

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Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
Alice Holway Drive Appeal Dismissed
Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
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