Note of Reflection from Outreach Coordinator Marion Major – I wanted to drop a note of appreciation to the team at WWHT, residents at Putney Landing, and the Putney Foodshelf. Yesterday Barbara (SASH Wellness Nurse) and I were at Putney Landing for the Putney Foodshelf’s food drop. It was beautiful. In every way (see pictures). Their little community gardens were busting at the seams, almost every entrance way is decorated in inviting and colorful ways — lights, chairs, decorations– the buildings fit the site so nicely, but the best part was just being in the community functioning as a really wonderful place. Neighbors were making sure everyone knew about the food, people were packing food bags for neighbors who were at work, they stored the frozen meats in their freezers until folks got home, they were also driving each other to doctor appointments, kids were engaging. In light of the negative narratives that circulate the internet, it’s empowering to be validated, once again, that good work that matters happens across this entire organization.

Thanks for creating, maintaining, and supporting this little community (and all the others!)

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Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
A Picture of Community- an Afternoon at Putney Landing
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